When I began researching my family history some years ago, I wondered whether I’d ever find anyone ‘notable’ in our long list of ancestors.. Maybe a famous scientist, a knight, or even a king or two. I’ve been digging long enough now to know that whatever the statistics say, my family are from more humble stock..
For centuries they were agricultural labourers. With the Industrial Revolution many turned to mining and the steel industries, while some ran small commercial premises, or were the carpenters and builders who helped to build the housing or the carts used by the others. I’m proud of this heritage and feel that in their own small way, each of these working class families has contributed to the advancement of the communities where they lived. That doesn’t mean there isn’t still a secret hope that one day someone notable may turn up.. Today I found something I really wasn’t expecting: A distant aunt who was a cave man (woman)! Her place of birth is shown in various records to be ‘North Cave’ Yorkshire, England. I’m not quiet sure what to make of this. Was she really born in a cave? Did her family live in said cave? And if so who were their neighbours in ‘South Cave’? All this a little under two hundred years ago, so it goes to show that however difficult life may be in these times of recession and declining spending power, we have made considerable progress and do have much to be thankful for.