This site includes a large database showing the genealogy of our extended families. Please take the time to search for your own ancestors among these families. I am interested in the lives of our family members, and where I have sufficient information, I have tried to show how they lived and worked. The details here are more difficult to verify but are an important feature if we are to understand the histories of our family..

Martin Mosley has been researching these histories for many years, and maintains this site for family members around the world.
If you can add anything to the information found on this site, please let me know. It will help many others to learn about their family heritage too.
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4 thoughts on “Our Family Histories”
My name is Matt Moseley and live in Kennedale, TX. We can date our geneology back to William Moseley from Rolleston, Staffordshire, England. He left England in 1649 and was a wealthy merchant. He fled after the beheading of Charles I and went to Rottendam, Holland. He soon left and migrated to Virginia which is how our family began in America.
My name is Dennis Watt Mosley. I live in Lincoln Park, Michigan, USA. I am certainly a Mosley but have been unable to trace my roots back to England. I would be interested in knowing who was the first Mosley who came to the colonies. Perhaps I can find a lead back to my English roots. Thank you, Dennis Mosley. P.S. My oldest known ancester was Drury Mosley who was born in Virginia.
Hi Dennis,
This site follows my own family lines back through their English roots.
I have no early Mosley emigrations to the New world in my direct lines which are included on this site for the moment. I do, however maintain a seperate large database of English Mosley names going back to the mid 16th century. There were clearly individuals with the Mosley name who emigrated early on, though, for the moment it is difficult to be clear where they fit. There are researchers on here who believe that the first was a Johannes Mosley, who left from Rotterdam, though he was believed to be of English origin.
I’m slowly working my way through the lists of individuals I have with a view to establishing whether they belong in the tree you see on here, and also to map the movements of families through the years. With that in mind, I’d like you to post your request in the Forums section, and let’s try to begin a discussion where we can pull together any interested researchers and see whether between us we can find an elusive link back to the UK.
Best regards
i would like to know more on the moseley history in england iv traced back to athur moseley son of sr william moseley in the 1600’s